Radical Healing Pod's Newsletter
Radical Healing
Season 3 Episode 2: Natasha Takahashi

Season 3 Episode 2: Natasha Takahashi

“Being me is not a sin”
We were so happy to talk to Natasha Takahashi, who attended CAJ from 2006 to 2019.

Natasha shares about their experience attending CAJ as a dyslexic, queer person. We chat about how an 8th grade essay prompt to compare Mao and Jesus kickstarted Natasha’s questioning of Christianity, about their decision to leave CAJ and attend UWC in Wales, and their journey towards self-acceptance and self-care.

(Note: we recorded this episode last year (July 2021) and had shelved it to finish Season 2)

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Radical Healing Pod's Newsletter
Radical Healing
Stories from people deconstructing and reconstructing their worldviews, particularly those who attended the Christian Academy in Japan or grew up in other missionary or international communities.Together with their guests, hosts Jeweliann and Erika identify and unpack the harmful narratives they were taught as well as important things that weren’t taught, and discuss the radical healing work of dismantling sexist, racist, capitalist, colonial structures after leaving the evangelical bubble. Learn more at https://www.radicalhealingpod.com/ and follow us on Instagram @radicalhealingpod.